Our Faults Should Make Us Better
Our past faults should not define us, instead these should build us up to become better. I know this for a fact, I am a product of my many mistakes, and I know that I am a better person for it. Thirty years ago, when we were 15 and 16 year olds, our barkada did one of the gravest offense our high school's history. We set an improvised bomb in the Science faculty room. But before I proceed, just a quick disclaimer: we did it when no one was there, at night, so there was no intention to hurt anyone. It was meant to be an act of defiance, a misplaced one at that. Yes it was foolish, and yes we paid for it, in more ways than one. Why did we do it? Long story short, we were boys who wanted to accelerate our manhood. We thought we were being cool, but we were really just being reckless and we didn't know any better. How did we do it? That is a story best told over bottles of beer, not here. We almost got away with it too, but we learned early in life that ...